Tagged: Sitecore Install

Install Sitecore 10.2 using Docker in 5 Easy steps!


Happy New Year! I just thought trying out Sitecore 10.2 using Docker. Installed it with minor hiccups. Let’s share my experience.


  •  Sitecore 10 license.
  • OS: Windows 10 1903 or later.
  • Docker Desktop for Windows.
  • 32 GB of RAM (It can be 16 GB for XM1 or XP0). I always recommend 32 GB for better experience.
  • CPU: Quad-core processor or higher.
  • Disk: 25 GB free space.


  • The following ports needs to be available for containers

The following ports need to be available for running the Docker instance. Make sure you are using stopping the services so it’s available for Docker to consume.  

Note: Always use iisreset /stop in the command line rather than stopping it in IIS. 

  • To check the port availability, run the following in PowerShell. It shouldn’t return any process. 

netstat -ano | findStr

netstat -ano | findStr 8079

netstat -ano | findStr 8984

netstat -ano | findStr 14330


  1. Extract the file zip file downloaded into Sitecore_10.2(or any folder name).


      2. Execute this command to set the execution policy unrestricted.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted

       3. Navigate to XP1 folder (Sitecore_10.2\SitecoreContainerDeployment.\compose\ltsc2019\xp1) in PowerShell and run compose-init.ps1 script.

.\compose-init.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath <License Path>

  • Note: I’m installing XP1, If you want XP0, navigate to XP0 folder and follow the same exact steps.   

    4. Run docker-compose pull

docker-compose pull

      5. Run docker-compose up (It takes some time, you can get a coffee!)

docker-compose up –d

Once it’s done, let’s bring in CM instance – 


Login as admin using ‘Password12345‘ password (not b though)

It’s so cool see the new desktop view! Cool work Sitecore!

It’s time for CD instance – 



Errors and Resolutions:

If you get unhealthy for any nodes, don’t worry. It’s very common, I get this most times. 

Run the following in PowerShell, It should fix it. Thank you Sitecore Staff Exchange!   

docker-compose down

iisreset /stop

docker-compose up –d


To check if all nodes are healthy, run docker-compose ps 

If you want to change the Sitecore and/or SQL password, you can change it in docker-compose.ps1 file. 

Hope this helps someone. Happy Sitecoring!


Installing Sitecore 10 using SIA(Sitecore Install Assistant)

Sitecore 10 is out! I tried installing it using SIA(Sitecore Install Assistant) along with SXA and it installed smoothly without any errors!


No need to install any prerequisites(includes Solr, SIF) manually, SIA will take care of it.


  • Download installation package (Graphical setup package XP Single) from here.


  • Extract the file zip file downloaded and click on Setup.exe
  • Install the prerequisites to make sure the required SIF and Windows Server prerequisites are up to date.
  • Install Solr 8.4.0 by filling Port, Windows service path prefix and Install path and Install.

Note: Make sure the port number is different from earlier versions of Solr installed. 

  • Fill out site prefix, admin password (going with b, so easy to remember) and Confirm password (new to Sitecore 10), and license file path.
  • Fill out SQL server instance name, admin username and password.
  • Double-check the Solr URL (browse to make sure it’s running successfully), System root and Windows service name
  • Select optional module SXA if you need. I’m going for it, time to explore SXA! Would be nice if Horizon is listed here.
  • Review the summary to make sure the settings are correct.
  • SIA validates to make sure the files look good.
  • Install. This takes around 10 minutes (you can get a coffee!). If it errors out, check out the log.

Yayy!! It’s installed. Is it easy to install with SIA? It’s indeed a great tool!  

Check out the release notes for what’s new in Sitecore 10.


While installing got this error –

Failed to start service ‘Sitecore Marketing Automation Engine – sc10.xp.dev.localxconnect.dev.local- MarketingAutomationService (sc10.xp.dev.localxconnect.dev.local- MarketingAutomationService)’.

Failed to start service Sitecore Marketing Automation 

Failed to start service Sitecore Marketing Automation – MarketingAutomationService


This could be due to a license expiry issue. In my case, I had a valid license file. Resolved the issue by moving the non-self signed certificates to trusted certificates. 

I ran this command as an admin and got a couple of certificates that were non-self signed.

Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\root -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Issuer -ne $_Subject }

Now I moved it to Trusted Root by running the following command.

Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\root -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Issuer -ne $_Subject } | Move-Item -Destination Cert:\LocalMachine\CA

 Failed to start service Sitecore Marketing Automation Engine

Moved Non-Self Signed Certificates to Trusted Root

After moving, I tried the SIA again and it worked perfectly.

Happy Sitecoring!